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- ENV -- print out environment variables.
- ENV is a 484 byte program that prints out the values of all the
- 1.3 Environment variables. It is fully reentrant (i.e.,
- can be made resident).
- To use, just type
- env
- The result is a list of environment variables in the form
- NAME=Value, one per line.
- Environment variables whose values are greater than 511 bytes
- long are truncated at 511 bytes.
- Peter Chubb (peterc@softway.oz.au)
- Copyright 1990 Peter Chubb
- All rights reserved.
- This program and its associated documentation may not be
- distributed for profit. It may be distributed provided
- a) no charge is made other than for reasonable copying and
- media expenses,
- b) no change is made to the source, documentation or binary,
- that is not clearly marked as being a change, and
- c) all files are provided. These comprise:
- env.doc -- this documentation file
- env -- the program binary
- Makefile-- to make the program
- env.c -- the program source.
- This program is not warranted, or guaranteed.
- You get exactly what you paid for -- a copy of the program to
- do as you wish with. If it crashes your machine, writes rude
- letters to your spouse, or explodes in your face ... caveat
- emptor! However, to the best of my knowledge and belief it
- works as advertised.